
National Inspectorates - Sweden

The responsibility for enforcement of REACH, CLP, BPR, POP and PIC in Sweden is mainly placed on the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI), with some exemptions. The REACH provisions concerning the safety of workers, is the responsibility of the Swedish Work Environment Authority and the REACH provisions concerning the safety of workplaces, with focus on the environment, will be the local and regional authorities’ responsibility.

The enforcement of REACH, CLP, PIC, POP and BPR in Sweden is implemented under the Environmental Code. Penalty provisions for non-compliance are found in Chapter 29. Sanctions for infringement of REACH, CLP, PIC, POP and BPR are generally a fine or imprisonment for a maximum of two years.

Authorities responsible for REACH enforcement

  • The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) – KemI carries out inspections of Reach compliance for substances, mixtures and of articles placed on the market.
  • The Swedish Work Environment Authority – The governmental authority responsible for the enforcement of REACH in respect of the safety of workers which carries out inspections of information provided to workers.
  • Local and regional authorities will carry out inspections for environmental issues among downstream users. Focus on these inspections will be to control that the companies comply with the information given in exposure scenarios and safety data sheets and that substances subject to authorization or restriction are used according to the provisions. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is the national authority responsible for providing guidance etc.

Authorities responsible for CLP enforcement

  • The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) – KemI carries out inspections of classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures of chemical products and biotechnical organisms placed on the market. The Swedish CLP Helpdesk is under the Swedish Chemicals Agency.
  • Local authorities will carry out inspections at retailers.

Authorities responsible for BPR enforcement

  • The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) – KemI carries out inspections of biocidal products and treated articles placed on the market.
  • Local and regional authorities carry out inspections of retailers (of both biocidal products and treated articles) and users of biocidal products.

Authorities responsible for POP enforcement

  • The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) – KemI carries out inspections of POPs compliance for substances, mixtures and of articles placed on the market.
  • Local authorities will carry out inspections at retailers.
  • Local and regional authorities will carry out inspections on the waste aspect of the POP Regulation. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is the national authority responsible for providing guidance etc.

Authorities responsible for PIC enforcement

  • The Swedish Chemicals Agency (KemI) – KemI carries out inspections of PIC compliance.