
e-News - 24 November 2010


24 November 2010

Register now! 

There is only one more week left to register for the 30 November REACH deadline. For those who still need to register, we encourage you to use the Technical Completeness Tool in order to avoid your registration being rejected. Please also remember to pay your invoice on time in order to complete your registration.

As of 24 November 2010, 14 951 dossiers have been registered.

News Alerts

Don't have your registration rejected – use the Technical Completeness Tool 

As the REACH deadline draws nearer, and registrations are made in ever larger numbers, some registrations pass the business rules but fail on technical completeness when they needn't. At that point, ECHA has to reject the registration. Although the number of rejections is low, a rejection can have a severe impact on the company involved. This can be avoided by using the TCC tool.

On the web

The CLP FAQs have been updated (version 1.2)

Draft CLP labelling and packaging guidance sent to Forum

Fourth draft Risk Communication Guidance sent to CARACAL

ECHA calls for information to avoid unnecessary animal testing

Job Opportunities at ECHA