
e-News - 23 March 2011

23 March 2011

Registration for ECHA's Sixth Stakeholders' Day is now open!

The European Chemicals Agency will organise its Sixth Stakeholders' Day on 17-18 May 2011, in Helsinki. The event is open to everyone and participation is free of charge.

The registration form for the conference is now open. The form will be accessible until Wednesday 4 May.

You can register for the event using the link below.


Stakeholders' Day – event page

In conjunction with the event, a day of training takes place at ECHA on 17 May focussing on in-depth training on the Chemical Safety Assessment and Reporting tool (Chesar).

The number of registrations already received exceeds the number of available places. Therefore the Chesar training registration form has been closed. Everyone who has registered will be informed by email if they will be able to participate to the training, no later than Monday 4 April.

ECHA is planning to repeat the training session later in the year for those who could not participate this time.

The annual Helsinki Chemicals Forum (HCF) will follow ECHA's Stakeholders' Day and, as in previous years, participants to the Stakeholders' Day are entitled to a reduced attendance fee for the HCF.
Third Global Helsinki Chemicals Forum on 19-20 May 2011


News Alerts

Public consultation on SEAC's draft opinion on restricting the use of dimethylfumarate in articles

ECHA calls for comments on the Committee for Socio-economic Analysis' draft opinion on a restriction concerning the placing on the market and the use of dimethylfumarate (DMFu) in articles. The deadline for comments is 17 May 2011.


On the web

Updated ECHA Organigramme - new Heads of Units appointed
A new unit for Risk Management Implementation (D3) has been established under the Directorate for Risk Management. Mr Matti Vainio is the new Head of Unit. The unit for Risk Management (D2) is renamed as the unit for Risk Management Identification. In addition, Mr Shay O'Malley has been appointed as the Head of Unit for Human Resources.

Job opportunities at ECHA